While not all tattoos are exclusively used by criminals, some tattoos are associated with certain criminal groups or activities. Here are some examples:
1. Teardrop tattoos: This tattoo is one of the most well-known criminal tattoos, which generally symbolizes that the wearer has committed murder or has lost someone close to them in prison.
2. Spider web tattoos: This tattoo can represent that the wearer has spent time in prison or has been involved in the drug trade. The spider web also represents the entanglement and complexities of criminal activity.
3. Gang tattoos: These are often tattoos that represent a particular gang or gang affiliation, such as numbers or symbols associated with the gang.
4. Barbed wire tattoos: These tattoos can indicate that the wearer has been in prison or served time.
5. Nazi or white supremacist tattoos: These tattoos are often associated with hate crimes or inflammatory beliefs.
It should be noted that not all people who have these tattoos are criminals, and not all criminals have these tattoos. It is important to avoid stereotyping or assuming someone’s criminal behaviour based solely on their appearance.